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Amaze-A Sacred Journey
The Eastern Shore Art Center,
Fairhope, AL 2010
This installation at the Eastern Shore Arts Center was a visual representation of Trés’ philosophy that by turning inward we can find the qualities of love, peace, simplicity, and gratitude. In 2013, Trés filled the large community arts center with an installation reflecting on the joy in spirituality especially the journey within. The installation included 3 main elements. The first, a 14-foot sculpture of his iconic monk called, The Jolly Llama. Taylor crafted the sculpture to welcome His Holiness the Dalai Llama to Birmingham, Al upon his visit in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement. But for Enchantment, the sculpture invited folks to come inside the belly of the monk, fold a paper crane in honor of peace.
Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you? ~Rumi
The second element of the installation was a pagoda inspired mini-theatre that provides a different interpretation of turning inward. In Asian cultures, the pagoda serves as a temple or shrine. Trés adorned the exterior walls with life-size musical monks in simple white robes symbolizing there is music within. He created no physical entrance; instead, visitors look through the eyes of one of the monks to view a short joyful video, an allusion to the connection between the eyes and the soul.
The third element of Enchantment was a chapel inspired by a visit to El Santuario de Chimayó in New Mexico symbolizes his appreciation for the reverence and joy of life. The exterior of this 8’ x 8’ x 8’ barn wood chapel was surrounded by carved monks with red, black and gold painted robes. Visitors were invited inside to sit peacefully while listening to birdsongs. Wishes, affirmations, or other thoughts can be written on strips of washi paper and draped over the uplifted arms of an illuminated monk sculpture.

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